by Cally Conway.
Original one colour linocut print printed on Fabriano Rosaspina 280gsm paper in oil based ink.
The image depicts narcissi flowers, violets, and ears of wheat in a circle intertwined. The image alludes to the flora associated with the goddess Persephone in the Greek Myth. Persephone was picking flowers including violets, when she noticed the most beautiful narcissi flower. Reaching to pick this, the ground opened and she was taken down to the underworld by Hades. Persephone is sometimes also depicted with wheat, (as is her mother Demeter) as a symbol of the harvest. The hopeful cyclical nature of the seasons lends the image it's composition.
Image size: 17 x 15 cm.
Paper size: 21 x 21.5 cm.
Edition of 50, numbered and signed.
A lover of the natural world, Cally's prints are inspired by nature and folklore. She is based in London, but is constantly drawn to the beauty of nature and its place within the world. She began producing etchings and collagraphs at art college, and came to linocut printmaking much later. She really fell in love with the process of linocut; something about the carved line as a way to translate her sketches, and to explore pattern and texture.
This work was shown at Atelier Beside the Sea as part of the Bloom Exhibition.